Friday 6 May 2011

The last resort

Its been 3days since my last post. Not that I was away/busy but I was not been able to post new entry. I'm not sure what was wrong, until now I couldn't solve the problem. The field content was loading non-stop and that's why I couldn't type anything on it. I've upgraded the Firefox, i tried to use internet explorer and google chrome. None of those work. So my last resort at the moment, change the template. This post won't look the same as previous post but I have no other choice as I'm dying to post new recipe that I've tried 3days ago.

So here is the recipe that I've tried, Pau Gebu (Fluffy Steamed Bun). Credited to for the recipe. Excellent indeed!
I made half of the recipe and I got 9 big and fluffy buns!

Ready to be steamed!

Ready to be eaten!

Look! Its so fluffy and yummy! Even MrHubby was happy with these steamed buns!!

Bahan-bahannya (Ingredients)

500 gram tepung pau ( 500g low protein flour/cake flour)
3 sudu besar shortening ( 3tbsp shortening)
220ml air suam+1 sudu kecil garam (220ml warm water + 1tsp salt)
3 sudu besar gula (3tbsp sugar)
2 sudu kecil baking powder (2tsp baking powder)
4 sudu besar water roux (4tbsp water roux)
2 1/2 sudu kecil yis (2 1/2 tsp dry yeast)

Cara-cara untuk membuat pau/bun:

1. Masukkan semua bahan dalam bekas adunan dan uli sehingga tidak melekat pada tangan,(nak guna BM pun boleh) pastikan doh elastik ye, kemudian perap dalam 40 minit atau sehingga satu jam, tumbuk-tumbukkan doh keluarkan angin.

2. Bahagi doh pada beberapa bebola kecil dan masukkan 2 sudu kecil inti kelapa (i've used red bean paste and brown sugar+coconut(recipe in my previous post) for the filling) dan tutup kemas, ulang langkah tadi hingga doh habis.

3. Lapik pau dengan baking sheet atau daun pisang, dan biarkan pau naik dua kali ganda lebih kurang 1 jam, Panaskan pengukus, dan pastikan air betul-betul mendidih, kukus pau dengan api sederhana, tak perlu api terlalu besar selama lebih kurang 7 hingga 8 minit sahaja, bergantung pada saiz pau

My way:
*note: I've used BM and dumped everything in the BM and let the BM (dough setting) do its job ;)
Then, divide the dough into equalish balls, add the filllings then let them prove to double the size (40mins-1hour). Then they were ready to be steamed!

resepi water roux
25 gram tepung gandum (25g plain flour)
125 ml air (125ml water)

cara-cara untuk membuat water roux
masukan semua bahan di dalam periuk dan kacau sehingga pekat dengan menggunakan api perlahan setelah pekat angkat dan sejukkan sebelum digunakan.
(whisk the flour and water well, make sure there's no clumps and cook it on slow heat for 2-3mins at 65'C and be careful not to burn it)
Note: water-roux paste could last for 3days before it went stale. And keep it refrigerated and make sure to bring the temp to room temp before using it.

water-roux paste (which could be the substitution for bread softener/improver)

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