Monday 16 May 2011

Breast is the Best

Alhamdulillah..for all the blessings in our lives. This include the chance given to me to fully breastfeed our BabyZara until this day. She is now 13months and 2weeks young ;))

This post is specially dedicated to new mummies (2 of my closest friends have recently given birth, Congratulations!!), mummy-to-be, and all the ladies (and not to forget the daddies and daddy-to-be) out there with good intention to breastfeed their babies. I'm no expert in this field (Breastfeeding world is so much exciting and need more studies/explorations) but I would try my best to share the experiences and the knowledge that I have on breastfeeding from my point of view as a mother and a doctor. This topic would definitely need more than one post :)

Today, I would like to share the millions (that is exaggerated, but probably not, because some things we might have not discover yet) of breastmilk and breastfeeding wonder. When I was a medical student I was taught the benefits of the breastmilk versus the formula milk. There is no doubt through the science and research that the breastmilk (BM) is superior than the formula milk (FM). People has been misled that the FM are "nearly identical to breastmilk and that they are almost as good as BM" which is NOT TRUE at all!

Here are some highlights of BM and BF (breastfeeding) wonder:
  1. BF will protect your baby from a long list of illnesses-Numerous studies from around the world have shown that stomach viruses, lower respiratory illnesses, ear infections, and meningitis occur less often in breastfed babies and are less severe when they do happen. Exclusive breastfeeding (meaning no solid food, formula, or water) for at least six months seems to offer the most protection.The main immune factor at work here is a substance called secretory immunoglobulin A (IgA) that's present in large amounts in colostrum, the first milk your body produces for your baby. (Secretory IgA is present in lower concentrations in mature breast milk.) The substance guards against invading germs by forming a protective layer on the mucous membranes in your baby's intestines, nose, and throat. (So mummies, DO NOT give water to your baby before 6months, this will flush out all the good stuffs from BM that protect your baby's intestines, nose and throat)
  2. BF may boost you baby's intelligence-Various researchers have found a connection between breastfeeding and cognitive development. In a study of more than 17,000 infants followed from birth to 6 1/2 years, researchers concluded from IQ scores and other intelligence tests that prolonged and exclusive breastfeeding significantly improves cognitive development. (Who doesn't want a brilliant baby ;P)
  3. BF can protect your baby from developing allergies-Babies who are fed a formula based on cow's milk or soy tend to have more allergic reactions than breastfed babies.Scientists think that immune factors such as secretory IgA (only available in breast milk) help prevent allergic reactions to food by providing a layer of protection to a baby's intestinal tract. Without this protection, inflammation can develop and the wall of the intestine can become "leaky." This allows undigested proteins to cross the gut where they can cause an allergic reaction and other health problems.Babies who are fed formula rather than breast milk don't get this layer of protection, so they're more vulnerable to inflammation, allergies, and other eventual health issues.
  4. BF may lower your infants' risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome)
  5. BF can reduce your stress level and your risk of post-partum depression- When nursing your baby, your body will release the oxytocin hormone, a hormone that promotes nurturing and relaxation.
  6. BF may reduces your risk of some types of cancer-Numerous studies have found that the longer women breastfeed, the more they're protected against breast and ovarian cancer. For breast cancer, nursing for at least a year appears to have the most protective effect.
  7. BM nutrients are tailored to your baby- BM is species-specific for human and changes accordingly to the infant's needs. Its nutrients are easily digest and absorb by infants digestion system. (That's why BF infants usually will get hungry faster-2hourly feed, and that's why FM fed baby will usually get constipated. FM is hard to digest by baby).
  8. And BM is FREE!!!!
  9. BF babies usually will have healthier teeth, eyes and ears-FM fed babies more likely to get ear infections compared to BF babies.
  10. BF will help mothers to shed post-partum weight-BF could consumes upto 500calories per day!!
  11. BF may protect your baby from obesity-Experts think that breastfeeding may affect later weight gain for several reasons:
  • Breastfed babies are better at eating until their hunger is satisfied, leading to healthier eating patterns as they grow.
  • Breast milk contains less insulin than formula. (Insulin stimulates the creation of fat.)
  • Breastfed babies have more leptin in their system, a hormone that researchers believe plays a role in regulating appetite and fat.
  • Compared with breastfed babies, formula-fed infants gain weight more rapidly in the first weeks of life. This rapid weight gain is associated with later obesity.
These are the facts of BF and BM wonders. I believe and I know there are more benefits of BF that I have not mentioned above. And of course BF could build special bond between you and your baby. And if you'll be working you could continue to give BM to your baby (it would be in different post). 
Breast is the Best (Source:Google)

BF in the train from Paris to Amsterdam (Winter 2010)

Happy baby after BF! ;))

However, if you are not able to BF your baby (due to medical illnesses or any inevitable reasons) you are not becoming less motherly. Maybe you could try for your next baby? ;))

Oh, before I go, here are RARE reasons you CANNOT BF your baby (from medical point of view)
  • Maternal HIV- transmission rate upto 30% to the newborn
  • Maternal HTLV-1 and HTLV-2- transmission rate upto 20% to the newborn
  • Maternal Metabolic Disease (Wilson's Disease)- Wilson's disease treated with penicillamine which is contraindication in BF
  • Infant Galactosemia- diagnosed with newborn screening, baby requires lactose-free diet
  • Maternal drug (Chemo/Radiotherapy,drugs of abuse-most commonly encountered)
 As I said before, these are the points that I know, and there are lots more that I do not cover in today's topic. I will try my best to post the topics related to BF and BM in the near future. I hope this post today would help you in anyway. All the best and keep up the good jobs you have done so far. HAPPY BREASTFEEDING LADIES!!

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